The goal of the this class is to introduce beginner equestrians to the skills and experience
required to start the Switch Willo Riding Academy successfully and confidently.
Tentative Schedule:
Week 1
• Barn tour and horse introduction
o Instructor / student introductions. Ice breakers.
o Barn and camp house tour
o Meet/greet small pony from lesson program; learn how to feed treats, learn how to stand around apony.
o Barn tour should include introduction to the horse assignment sheet.
Week 2
• Grooming 101
o Introduce the students to each grooming tool. Teach them how to collect their grooming supplies and bring to tack-up stall.
§ Game option: place grooming tools in yard. Ask students to find one of each tool and put into their bucket.
§ Craft option: coloring book for grooming tools.
o Meet/greet a new pony from lesson program. Re-teach how to feed treats and how to stand around a pony safely.
Week 3
• Grooming 101 Round 2
o Remind students how to collect their grooming supplies and bring to tack-up stalls.
o Meet/greet a new pony/small horse from lesson program. Remind students how to stand around a pony/horse safely.
o Teach grooming techniques – curry comb, body brush, hoof pic, tail/mane.
o Educate on why grooming is important.
Week 4
• Tack-Up 101
o Introduce students to each piece of tack: halter, bridle, saddle, saddle pads, boots. Use camphouse wood horse to introduce saddle / pads placement.
o Meet/greet a new pony/small horse from lesson program. Allow students to groom that pony/horse with supervision.
o Show students how to tack-up
§ Remind them how to feed a treat / how to stand around the pony/horse safely.
Week 5
• Tack-Up 101 Round 2
o Remind students how to collect their grooming supplies / tack and place at tack-up stalls.
o Meet/greet a new pony from lesson program.
o Allow students to groom the horse by themselves, less direct supervision.
o Re-teach tacking up a horse. Allow each student to place saddle pads/saddle on pony.
o Teach students how to put away all of their materials for the day
Week 6
• Leading a Horse 101
o Allow students to groom and fully tack-up a pony/horse.
o Instructor will teach students how to properly lead a horse.
§ This should include walking forward, turning around, halting, and backing up.
§ Recommendation: Use poles and cones for an obstacle course setting – this will also begin to introduce learning a sequence, AKA learning a course.
o Have students completely un-tack the pony/horse and properly put away all of their materials for the day.
Week 7
• Getting Ready to Ride
o Teach students how to:
§ Mount
§ Hold reins properly
§ Post
§ Two-point
§ Dismount
§ Repeat several times.
o Show fun (but educationally correct) videos of horseback riding. i.e., horse shows, clips of good riderson social media, pictures of local horse shows, etc.
o Get out a pony/horse for leading exercises to finish the day.
Week 8
• Getting Ready to Ride Round 2
o Have students show you what they learned from Getting Ready to Ride Part One while on wood horse: mount, hold reins, post, two-point, dismount.
o Allow students to groom and fully tack-up a pony/horse.
o Have each student correctly mount the pony/horse from mounting block. Have them show you how they hold the reins properly, how to post (at a halt), how to two-point, and how to properly dismount.
§ Recommendation: allow each student to sit on the pony/horse and take a minute to feel comfortable. Let them pet their neck, give them a hug, reach back with their hand to their tail. All of those actions will help them feel comfortable in their surroundings.
o Have students completely un-tack the pony/horse and properly put away all of their materials for the day.
Week 9
• Getting Ready to Ride Round 3
o Allow students to groom and fully tack-up a pony/horse.
o Have each student take a turn leading the pony/horse.
o Have each student mount and walk on the pony/horse.
§ Demonstrate proper rein holding, post at walk, two-point at walk, dismount.
Have students completely un-tack the pony/horse and properly put away all of their materials for the day.